Musings of a New Author

A lot has happened since I’ve last posted here… For one I have finally become a published author! Yes, I took the plunge and self published. Two books since July this year and there’s so many more stories to come.

My murder mystery UNFINISHED is doing quite well on Amazon. Set in South Africa, I feel it would do quite well with the South African audience, but South African readers do not frequently shop on Amazon, and many of our readers prefer the printed version.

Self publishing is by no means smooth sailing. I think every Indie author will attest that it is a trial-and-error journey, errors made more than often. I have had to learn everything from editing after editing, formatting and reformatting, cover trends to blurb hooks. But the one thing that has me still cowering in fear is the marketing side of things. It is huge, it is never-ending, it is all consuming.

Social media and I have always had a flirt-and-retreat type of relationship. Now, I’m on just about every platform promoting the hell out my books. There are experts to help you, but it costs an arm and a leg. So I find myself flooding Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and YouTube with my promos and videos. I feel like the creepy uncle who keeps coming back for seconds. But apparently a presence, no matter how annoying, is good for sales.

So I’m keeping at it, determined to see this through as best I can.

Just a week ago, I published my romance novel, Romancing the Ruby. I’ve received a few great reviews but it has yet to take off. I wrote this under a different pseudonym, because I didn’t want to confuse my writer voices.

The thing is that I can’t seem to restrict myself to a genre. There’s this dark, curious, convoluted side to me that loves the thrill and mystery. Then there’s the light romantic side of me that loves the romance and happily-ever-after. I think I can manage the two voices. But I’d love to know if I’m mastering these two genres or just getting by… you know the saying: Jack of all trades, master of none.

The NaNoWriMo challenge this month has me writing two books concurrently. Yes, two completely different genres: a naughty romance (part of my new series) and a psychological thriller. But I find it quite easy to switch worlds. Strange but true. When I am in Anna’s world of multidimensions and reality wormholes, I’m her master manipulator. When the members of the Heartbreakers Club are given a handsome new mission, I am ready to stir up naughty trouble.

But I’d love to know which of the two is the way to go. Maybe, you the reader could tell me. You can access my published books by clicking on the links. It’s free to read. Let me know your thoughts, please.

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